
2 years

2 years have passed since then.
We go back to normal life,
but the reconstruction of  Tohoku is not progress.
I did volunteer work again, at the former Kisai high-school.
The number of people who took refuge from Fukushima
has decreased significantly in the last 1 year.
There are no children, but a few elderly person still live
in the school building.
They smile.
But I feel the mood of resignation behind their smile
that they can never get back to normal life.
They are too tired and too old
to have a hope, even a slight one.
The government shatered their hope saying that
the nuclear power plants will be in re-operation 
to try to revive the Japanese economy.
What is the reconstruction?
Who must they really protect?
The governers should think of it standing before
the Fukushima nuclear power plants.
My angry and sadness can change nothing,
but I believe that some people around the world
read this, feel somthing,
and do not forget our Fukushima.  

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